Friday 10 February 2023.

welcome to the land of chocolate, cycling, and head bangingly strong beer. game one of my Belgian ground hop takes me to den dreef. home of fc leuven. situated 15 miles east of brussels. for Belgian jupita league top flight action, where the home team in 11th, take on circle bruges in 9th. leuven are owned by king power, and the current team were formed from 3 3rd division teams in 2002 to crbbte a leuven super power. to that end, they gradually climbed up the pyramid, and obtained top flight status in 2015, but have generally been a mid table side. circle bruges, are the 2nd team in bruges, but unlike their illustrious neighbours, aka club bruges, generally only see home crowds of 3000. 

genk are leading the way, 8 points clear of royale union sg, who won the league last year.

result from leuven and and an entertaining nil nil draw. a game of 2 halves. circle bruges having the beetter  of the first half exchanges, but the home side doing likewise in the 2nd half. although in truth, neither keeper was really called into  action. crowd aprox  5000 with 300 away fans. 


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